

Working site!

You should skip/dance/leap (whatever, some interesting movement) over to here.  "Here" is my blog about architecture and space.  It's fun.  It's different.  (I hope.)
Whatever it is, you can certainly go hear me try to explain the way I see the world.



Sherlock Holmes, out of character.

Dear internet:

Moffat told those of us who love Sherlock (which, for the record, is bloody fantastic and gorgeous and you should watch it as soon as you can) that the key to the last few minutes lies in something out of character that Sherlock did.

I don't like spoilers.


Molly?  Anyone?  That was out of character.  But it fit in with the story itself.  It was well-written, but out of character for Sherlock.
That scene.... Along with what we know from Irene's life....


Now watch.  I'll be totally wrong.