Things have been...not so good for me lately, for lots of different reasons (that I won't go into here). One thing, though, is that I miss nature. Lots.
I may be from a fair sized city (just over a quarter of a million), but it's in the northwest, so green figures heavily into everything there. And when I say green, I mean nature (and the color, but nature more so).
And that really isn't the case in Istanbul. There's lots of grey. Obscene amounts.
While I'd kind of like to go home for a little (especially seeing as the holiday season(s) is/are coming up, which usually means family and friends), it wouldn't be a heathy enough dose of nature to make my blood green again in just a week.
New Zealand, though, would probably do the trick.
Last May, I went to the north island for three weeks for a class (I know, I know, best class ever).
And I want to go back.

If you'd like to see more pictures, or read about the trip, check out my
other blog. Look for "New Zealand" tags.
Yes, all of these photos are mine. Please be nice and don't claim them as your own.