I want to be clear up front: I am a dichotomy, and some days I can even be a paradox.
That being said:
Doctor Who.

Now, I'm not talking about the old Doctor from the 70's who could be restrained with corregated cardboard and duct tape.
I'm talking about the new, smart-assed, slightly ego-centric Doctor who talks just as fast as Lorelai or Rory Gilmore.
I'm talking about the man who has relationship issues with everyone he meets, is far too clever for his own good, and, in his newest form, happens to have a spectacular head writer and be one of the best looking (in the quirky sense) men I've ever seen.

Molly, one of my best/oldest friends, introduced me to it a couple of years ago, and that was the end of me being able to pretend I wasn't a complete geek.
Matt Smith (newest incarnation), although he wasn't my first Doctor (that distinction falls to David Tennant), is my favorite--similar to having a favorite Bond. He really, really knows what he's doing.
In his performance, there's a spectacular mix of old and new (Smith's only in his mid twenties, but the Doctor's over 900); his dialogue is sharp and witty and slightly distracted and usually deadpan, his monologues are elegant, and he both looks like he could be your older brother (the kind you got along with) and the oncoming storm.

Steven Moffat, the new head writer, is phenomenal, too. He won a Hugo for a previous episode ("Blink," which will pretty much make you live in fear of angel statues), and his new episodes are just as good.
Although he didn't write it, I think my favorite episode from the latest season (aired summer 2010) is the one where the Doctor and Amy (his companion) meet Vincent van Gogh.
Yes, you read that right.
They did a great job of getting his personality to come through, part (certifiably) insane and part artist. And completely human.

This is van Gogh, explaining himself:
"It seems to me there is so much more to the world than the average eye is allowed to see. It believe if you look hard, there are more wonders in this universe than you could eve have dreamed of. It's colour! Colour that holds the key! I can hear the colours; listen to them. Every time I step outside, I feel nature is shouting at me. Come on! Come and get me! Come on! Capture my mystery!"
And the Doctor's response...
"Maybe you've had enough coffee now, how about some nice, calming tea? Let's get you a cup of chamomile or something, shall we?"
Original classic Matt Smith/Doctor shot (aka image 1) found at http://www.toplessrobot.com/2010/02/
the Doctor and Amy take a coffee and...script...break: http://www.comicmix.com/news/2010/04/17/doctor-who-the-eleventh-hour-open-thread/
Doctor and semi-non-threatening Dalek image courtesy of http://www.timeoutsydney.com.au/timein/meet-the-new-doctor-who--matt-smith.aspx (which also has an interview with the new Doctor)
The gallery's newest exhibit: Doctor, in towel, holding toothbrush on loan from http://blastr.com/2010/06/bbc-says-matt-smith-was-not-naked-on-doctor-who.php
And let's please everyone remember: Bow ties are cool, fezzes are not.
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